In-A-Dash Computer Repair™

Personal Computer Repair and Business IT Support

Microsoft’s Official Windows 10 End of Support

Please read below to understand why you are seeing the NOTIFICATION on your computer and why we are recommending this machine be replaced as soon as possible.

Microsoft has announced the official End of Support for Windows 10 to happen in Sept of 2025. Our reports confirm this computer is not compatible with Windows 11 and therefore cannot be upgraded and must be replaced before Sept 2025. However, Due to multiple factors (described below) we are strongly recommending replacing it as soon as possible.

Contact us today to start the process: (623) 289-9600 or Thanks, JD

Yes, You must move to Windows 11

Evil doers know the cutoff date for Windows 10. They wait for that date and then target anyone still using Windows 10 machines with viruses, hacks malware etc.

Antivirus alone is not sufficient to combat all threats. Microsoft’s Windows 10 security patches are a necessity. When Microsoft stops providing support for Windows 10 they will stop providing those security patches and it will be open season on Windows 10 computers.

This computer is not compatible with Windows 11 (You are on our support program, we run system reports which let us know, so we can let you know). This computer cannot be upgraded to run Windows 11. This computer will be vulnerable after the cutoff date. Therefore, we are here to assist you in retiring or replacing it before the cutoff date.

Why Now? Why not next year?

Multiple extraordinary circumstances are going to create a high demand for replacement computers. We foresee a shortage coming of good, reliable, affordable computers. This has encouraged us to strongly recommend to our clients to replace as soon as possible. Here is the current situation which has prompted us to notify customers:

1. There are an extraordinary amount of Windows 10 computers which are incompatible with Windows 11 still in use today.

This means there will be an extraordinary amount of computers which will need to be replaced, like yours.

2. Big trouble with Current 13th and 14th generation Intel Processors.

There is currently a major issue unfolding with Intel processors. Processors are the brain inside of the computer. Intel is having major issues with their latest desktop processors which is causing them to destroy themselves.

There are only two major processor manufacturers in the world: “Intel” and “AMD”. Which leaves only AMD as a reliable option right now for desktop processors. You can read more about the issues facing Intel right now here:

3. Consumers, in general, have been holding off on purchasing new computers due, in part, to inflation.

This has created a pent-up demand for new computers. Many of these consumers will be forced to purchase new computers next year due to the End of Support for Windows 10.

4. Prices are still acceptable / fair right now.

Despite the above mentioned issues prices are still fair for now and we are able to find good replacement computers for our clients. However, we do not foresee this lasting, and definitely do not foresee price reductions as we get closer to the cutoff date.

These factors combined are starting to create a shortage in new, reliable, affordable computers

Good deals on reliable computers are starting to decrease. We also foresee this becoming a larger issue in 2025. We believe this is going to eventually result in a substantial price increases for new computers as the timeline gets closer to the End of Support for Windows 10.

We want to be able to recommend good, reliable, affordable replacement machines for our customers. We believe acting as soon as possible will give you the most options and best pricing to replace your machine. We recommend being ahead of the replacement rush coming in 2025.

Please start to budget for a replacement computer as soon as possible. How much? $900 ~ $1400 has been the typical price range we have been quoting for good, reliable replacements as of August 2024. These quotes included tax, shipping, file transfer, setup etc. Generally speaking, everything to smoothly move you into the new computer.

Please remember we do not, and never have marked up the computer prices. We get them to you for the price we pay. Our margins are in our labor and support plans to keep you running safe and reliably. If you are shopping for yourself we are more than happy to give our opinion on what you find. Our goal is the same as yours, for you to have a safe and reliable computer.

Once you are ready to move forward let us know. We will help to provide you a good, reliable, affordable replacement machine. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions.

Thank you! JD 623-289-9600

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